Let me begin by answering the question in this title with an “absolutely yes!” Good husbands will submit to their wives early and often. They will do it as a habit of life. They will become so good at it, they’ll do it without hesitating, without thinking twice, and without any regret. I’m ashamed to say, I’m not there yet. But after a year of marriage, I do think I’m growing in the area of submitting to my wife and I hope by God’s grace to continue to grow in this area for as long as my wife and I draw breath. Shocking, you think, Pursuing the Pursuer has gone off the deep end. They finally fell for all that exciting, new, and dangerous theology and are full blown egalitarians. Actually we haven’t. I haven’t. I’m as committed to complementarianism as any sane, biblically-informed person who claims the title (there are some who call themselves complementarians that I want nothing to do with, but more on that later). I believe the role of a husband is to lovingly lead, and the role of the wife is to sweetly submit. I also believe that a husband who doesn’t do a whole lot of submitting to his wife is a husband who hasn’t really figured out what it truly means to love or to lead. So what does leading and loving look like from a biblical perspective? Servant Leaders Practice a Lifestyle of Submission The paradox of Christian leadership is that the leaders don’t get whatever they want. Christ made this point repeatedly in his interaction with his disciples (Matthew 20:20-28; 23:10; Mark 10:35-45; John 13:1-20) and acknowledged that this is the opposite of the way most people think. Most people think that the CEO doesn’t have to live by the same rules as everyone else. People bring him coffee, he doesn’t get it for them. When there’s dirty work to do, it goes to the lowest guy on the totem pole, not the chief. So if the husband gets to lead and the wife has to submit, then he lounges around reading the paper (or, to put it in modern lingo, playing video games) while she cooks, cleans, and does the house chores. But that’s not what Christ teaches. Christ teaches that if a husband is to lead, it means he cleans the toilet, not her. He does the dishes after dinner, not her. He takes out the trash, mows the lawn, and helps with the kids every chance he gets. Why? Because he’s her leader, and that makes him her servant. This doesn’t mean that women shouldn’t ever cook or clean, especially if they want to or are good at it. It doesn’t mean that if he works for 40 hours a week and she is a stay at home mom she does nothing around the house. It doesn’t mean a wife should never sacrifice for her husband. A healthy marriage is a partnership, with both husband and wife looking to give and serve, rather than to take or be served. But it does mean that when he comes home, his focus ought to be on how he can please her, not how she can please him. It does mean he loves his wife as Christ loved the church: by sacrificing for her. There will be times when he makes a decision with which his wife disagrees, but those decisions should be rare and based on principle, not personal pleasure. Played out in real life, Christ-like leadership means choosing to serve her rather than be served by her every chance he gets. Every Believer Should Submit? Okay, so by “submit” you mean give up what you want for what she wants. That makes sense I guess. But should we really use the word submit? Doesn’t that confuse things a little? After all, does the Bible ever describe the role of a husband as submitting? Great question, glad you asked. To my knowledge, no, the Bible never tells a husband to submit. But I’ve got one better. The Bible actually tells every believer to submit to every other believer. It’s interesting that Ephesians 5:22 comes right after Ephesians 5:21. Ephesians 5:22 reads “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” But the verse that comes right before it says, “Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” That verse is addressed to all Christians. Husbands are supposed to submit to their wives because they are supposed to submit to every other believer. They are supposed to forgo what they want so that someone else’s needs and wishes can be met. If this is true for everyone, it ought to begin where it’s often hardest: the home. This means a husband should submit to his wife’s preferences, goals, and desires. Practically, that might mean watching what she wants to watch, not just what he wants to watch. It might mean forgoing a night with the guys when she’s had a hard day at work and needs to someone to talk to. It means dying to your own agenda, plans, and loves so that you can devote yourself to cherishing, loving, and serving the wife God gave you. It means you submit in a hundred little ways, making it so much easier for her when she is called upon to submit in bigger ways. The Damage of a Domineering Husband Hopefully, this is a no-brainer post. I hope, as I write this, that godly Christian men everywhere are puzzled over why I even felt the need to bring this up, just as they would be puzzled if I told them that cheese is a dairy product or that rough wood can give you splinters. But I fear that this perspective may not always be so obvious. And I fear that what I hope is the exception is viewed as the norm. So let me finish by making a few strong statements on husbands who equate their role of headship with getting what they want. The only thing worse than holding on to wrong doctrine is using right doctrine as a cover for sin. When the stench of selfishness seeps through the facade of Bible verses, a watching world plugs its nose and turns away from Christ in disgust. The husband who sacrificially and submissively leads as Christ leads is a beautiful picture of the love of God, whereas the husband who leads so that he can get what he wants is a horrifying picture of the twisted way that Satan grabs the good things God has for us and warps them into something ugly. God has called husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church, and so the husband who glibly reminds his wife that he’s her leader to make her serve him has committed an egregious error and has shamed the name of Christ. Satan hates submission. He got Adam and Eve to hate submission. And now, thanks to our sin nature, there is planted within everyone is a desire to be his own king, rather than to submit to someone—anyone—else. Which is why, if we are going to hold to the right position (within a marriage, the husband should lead and the wife should submit), we have to be so, so careful that we display the beauty of that submission—and of mutual submission—to a watching world. Because after all, God himself was the one who said our marriages are supposed to be reflections of his love for us. So husbands, let me leave you with this convicting thought: If unsaved people saw the way you treat your wife day in and day out, would they be more or less likely to submit to Christ? ![]() Ben Hicks went to Bob Jones University for college and stayed on for grad work, recently graduating with his Master of Divinity. Ben is the Young Adults Pastor and oversees the Single Focus ministry at Colonial Hills Baptist Church. Follow him on Twitter @HicksBen
9/16/2019 01:07:13 am
Dear Ben,
Florence Samuel
4/4/2021 10:42:10 am
Thank God for your life. I pray for God's grace on you to love your wife as Christ loves His Church!
5/23/2024 12:51:43 pm
No, wives must submit to their husband, the Bible tells us such
Anthony James
2/20/2021 07:12:52 pm
Great write up.
Mildred Blackwell
5/23/2021 06:47:25 am
Thank you for this because as a wife I struggle with these verses. My husband so does as you say and had until others seem to say it's not so to do .and I struggle because of submitting like I use to with my first husband because he thought or I did too that I had to do so also . you have opened my eyes as well. I have been carry to much about what people think. Like a sister in Christ said your husband's a Christian isn't he. So you are to do as He says. However I didn't agree with her completely because husbands are human too and can lead in a wrong direction at times and when the Lord do such and he says do opposite nope that's where I have to draw the line. And he would have to with me. Disagree with each other when need be don't fight over it talk it over is needed . I got to work on not wanting my way all the time too.as we as many. My hubby has spoiled me . He loves me as Christ love the Church and does well until someone else trys to make us feel bad about the way we do thing or I beat myself up on about trying so hard to submit to my husband as like I use to the other. But as you have saifmd the verse before that of submitting to one another takes care of the others we are to love each other as well not be mean to each other. I thank you for bringing this other to me also well . it takes a great load off my shoulders. And here comes where we don't have to please man or care about what they say . like commanders to other mans ways and point of views..again thanks now it will be much easier for us in getting along better .God bless.
Eric Breaux
7/17/2021 08:14:35 am
Your implication that egalitarianism isn’t biblical is false. Heirarchism needs selective Bible reading to justify it. I can’t understand how so many women are fine thinking men have more authority than them when they’re just as capable of the same things men are believed to have the only authority to do. God is the spiritual leader. A wife can be better educated about what the Bible teaches and better apply it than her husband. Being a husband doesn’t make him automatically better suited to lead with anything. Husbands being called heads of wives is not giving men more authority than women. If it did, then it wouldn’t be much use to know, because it gives no description of what the husband supposedly has more authority to do. This is why most hierarchist marriages operate the same as mutual ones. In Ephesians 5:21 it says to submit to each other. Submitting is giving something you have to help others and is supposed to be mutual. A husband and wife are supposed to act as a unit because they’re partners, not a boss and subordinate. It doesn’t say in Ephesians for wives to love their husbands, but most people don’t argue that’s proof only one spouse should love the other. Mutual respect and love are needed for a marriage to work. Mutual authority is specified in 1 Corinthians 7:3 and 4: The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise the wife also to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise the husband also does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. In Genesis 2 it says the two will become one flesh, quoted later in Ephesians 5:31. At the beginning of creation, no rights were given exclusively to men. All that’s said is for all humanity to have dominion of the rest of earth.
9/17/2021 11:57:14 am
Well, this is what I thought but my husband treats me like a house slave. For ten years I've lived in submission and tried my very best to live this lifestyle. I was hoping he'd learn by my actions and learn about submission also. But I am depressed and feel like the shell of a person I used to be. I leaned on Jesus through so much. At what point do I stop. I recently TOLD him I was getting and job and an apartment because I need space to figure things out. (Which for him was betrayal) The way Jesus has the marriage set up works very well. I tell him that I'm still in love and still very committed and my loyalty is here and that this is a forever kind of love. But I also have issues with how the marriage is and we need to work it out. It's like he doesn't empathize or understand. He thinks he's doing God's path by remaining stubborn. What's worse is we started having shouting matches. I told him that I'm not sure if he actually likes me and just fell in love with my submission. Everyone whose known me before knows what sort of woman I am. So they see how much I've changed for him. But at a certain point, I am not a doormat. I love my husband, but I don't like how he's running things. I want financial freedom, a part-time job, and the freedom of travel (like if I want to stay late at my family's house). I don't want a divorce but something has to give because shouting matches won't work. I don't want to be depressed anymore. (Whither it's I give up on my life dreams or a divorce). Anything that requires him to change himself, he acts like it's not an option. Don't understand why some men are so stubborn. He really thinks it's God's path to be this stubborn while his wife cries nightly from depression. And whats worse, pastors that I trust preach the same ol' dogma. Making me feel like there's no place in the world for someone like me. I'm glad I found this post because atleast someone out there gets it. I was feeling alone even questioning my belief in Christianity. Because up until now, Christ has always been the truth. And the truth has always been edifying. Yes, maybe Christ wants me to continue in submission but I'm really feeling like a shell of a person with all my husband's rules. If the bible says women can't work, then I'll reconsider.
Christina Mitchell
2/12/2022 03:13:40 pm
https://margmowczko.com/ This is an excellent website!
10/14/2023 10:56:33 am
Just as an update: I was in an unequally yoked marriage. He said he was Christian. At the end of our marriage I asked him "Have you ever once opened the bible and try to be the way it teaches?" His response was "I'm spiritual not religious." Meaning he didn't. Although he sure did demand I did. Hypocrisy. Actions are a language. By his actions he was not being Christian and left me long before the physical separation. Christ took care of me after everything. Even when people were being like Job's friends judging me. I stayed for 12 years in a depressingly sad situation. God knows I gave it my all. I do think my ex had his chance to choose Christ but rejected Him and almost died. And ended up submitting to Christ long after our separation. I pray for the best for him, but I'm never going back. If God tells me to go back I would, but God is guiding me away from him and my peace and joy has been abundant. It's important to draw near to Christ during those hard times because amidst all the pain and human error, Jesus knows the best choices. My advice is to draw near to the Word of God and prayer to Christ always. Especially when choosing a spouse. Because Christ knows whose right for you. And sometimes God sends someone to ya who ends up rejecting Him :( Those times are difficult. Don't lose hope though. Just keep your eyes on Christ and if you endure you'll be comforted and blessed.
Kelly, had not read the update. Congrats! Jesus has freed you by submitting to Him? Just a note, the Bible does say once you divorce, it’s a sin to go back, so don’t be bothered by those toxic thoughts! Something that you won’t learn in church that is imperative to find a good husband is the Bible says that the duty of the husband is to wash her with the water of the Word! All Godly women need a bath everyday! The Bible says that this is to keep her holy. Holy means to be set apart to God, which will keep her faithful to Jesus and her husband. This is where Adam failed Eve. Adams failing was not that he submitted to Eve but that he didn’t help to keep her heart clean. He allowed the snake to speak to her and didn’t discern his lies. It’s the husband’s responsibility to keep his wife’s heart pure. Find a man who makes it a priority to teach or at least will read the Bible together with you DAILY! Jesus said, give us this day, our daily bread. Jesus is the bread of life Jesus was speaking spiritually, He was saying that we need spiritual food daily! If the wife does not get her spiritual daily food by hearing from God, then the enemy will certainly speak to her subtly. The best men are those who are humble, puts the will of God first, which many times involves caring for his wife’s needs before his own. A man who hears from God you can submit to spiritually. You will need healing from the abuse to rightly submit to your husband. He needs to respect your authority too as manager of the household found in Timothy. A Godly man will seek to meet all his wife’s sexual needs. It’s important for him to know your attracted to him by you being affectionate! Be aggressive at times, he will reward you! Kelly, So sorry you ended up with a relationship that functions outside of Gods will. Bible says the man is to lay down his life for his wife. In Timothy, it says the wife is to be the manager of the household. The man being head refers to spiritual matters. He is the priest of the household which means it’s his responsibility to hear from God, not to rule over you with his own desires but Gods. If he hears from God, you are really submitting to God through him. Unfortunately, he is a narcissist and 95% of them never change. You can not lead him by example of submission because he will just misinterpret that is him being greater than you! The best thing you can do is watch video’s and read about narcissism so that you know what you are dealing with, and let God speak to you as you learn. Ask for His guidance. Seek a married couple who hears from God and talk to them. You will get strength from that, you need that. Warning: Under no circumstances are you to let your husband know about your counseling! He will make life unbearable until you stop it! Him refusing joint counseling proves were his heart is. This is emotional and spiritual abuse. You may need to be freed from emotional masochism? I said “may” only. Did you have a strict or controlling parent or sibling?
11/30/2024 11:25:57 am
are you implying the wife NEVER gets to hear from God directly and it will always be two tier? what if she hears, then isn't the man supposed to submit to his wife and in turn is submit to God himself?
11/1/2021 07:56:04 pm
Looking for ways to save my marriage
3/14/2022 06:14:08 pm
This is the first writing I have found that reflects (in my opinion) a correct exegesis on submission. I am currently working on my third book, "Wifecoach4men Teaching Men to Nourish and Cherish Their Wife in Five weeks!"
11/7/2022 09:35:02 am
It sounds like you’re saying the Bible contradicts itself, or at least counteracts itself? For example, I’ve heard a lot of clarifying remarks on Ephesians 5:22, where Pastors carefully and rightfully reiterate that a wife is to submit ONLY to her own husband, not all men in the same way. However, your logic on Ephesians 5:21 seems to imply that wives are indeed to submit to all men (and all men to all women and all men)?
8/1/2023 09:12:09 pm
Thank you for for validating what I've come to know. Most people, most Christians have totally read Scripture so totally wrong and backwards. There is no verse that gives, grants, nor bestows sovereign power of mortal man over another's soul. God Himself is the only one that has that Supreme Power. Preachers that have preached that a Man/male has God-like powers is an Anathema Apostate. I as a man of 45 years am not the creator of another's soul, how can I act/behave like a Tyrant over a woman that I love? How? I can't. Many have gotten the roles we play as Man & Woman confused even in Christianity. The Man is the Protector Lion and does not govern how a home/house is decorated and cleaned, that's the Woman's role and authority. If a wife is disciplining a child, the man is to back her up and not interfere with her. The House is the Wife's Domain and the Queen Lioness. It's funny how nature has it all right but some Egotistical Men have it all screwed up. The Lions have it all right, they work as a Team and even the King Lion knows when to submit and not tick off his Queen Lioness. He protects her and the cubs, she returns that by protecting him by centering herself in front of her Lion's throat so that Enemy lions or whatever cannot kill him. They have to come through her first and she's the most vicious one. Both male and female must balance each other, period. This sis not New Age mumbo-jumbo. This is reality, not a delusion. OH BTW: Most men that call themselves Christian grew up in Matriarchy, their Mothers ran the house, not their Dads. If Momma ain't happy, no one is happy. If your Dads knew not to mess with Momma. Who keeps a family together Mommas and Grandmas. Us men are just there to do the heavy stuff. Yes, you get told what to do by a woman whether you like it or not. Who has told you to take the trash out? Who tells you to clean something up you messed up? Who gets a Honey-Do List? See? Yeah, ya get told what to do by a woman. EOG BUSTER. Even Yeshua Jesus did what He was told by His own Mother Mary. What makes you think He was any different? He obeyed her. Just because you turn 18 does not mean that you are a Real Man unable to be told what to do by a woman. This is problematic throughout many religions and cultures. Christianity & Islam are the absolute worst of them all. Boys turn 18 then get married and then they slap their wives and beat them because some idiot preacher told them they can do that. They wasn't told that they are to submit to God and to Jesus and treat their wives like Christ loved the church in OBEDIENCE. Submit, Submission, and Obedience are words that no one wants to hear because they live like devils "Do as thou wilt". Where in New Testament Scripture does it state that Men are the creators of women's souls and where does it state that they get to treat women how they wish and lustfully desire? I can't find none. I can however find LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, and more LOVE. -- Just some thoughts form a 30 year Christian who saw the light of Truth and had my ego spanked for believing in the lies.
10/6/2023 01:05:15 am
This type of thinking is why the world is getting worst scripture clearly tell us is God over man man over women and women over children. No one is saying that man should treat there wife like crap. But there is a hiarchy that must be respected. In God eyes we are all equal but there is a hiarchy. And if there wasn't one why didn't God call both Adam and Eve when they sinned? he when to Adam because he was the head and man is the head no matter how you want to put it. We are suppose to love our wife like Christ loved the church. And I think that means to take care or here protect her and provided what she needs. And I think if the man is the provider the women should take care of the home and children.
10/14/2023 10:22:15 am
The bible instructs men to love their wives like Christ loves the church. Many men power struggle and start treating their wives like pontius pilate.. Christ lived by example and inspired his followers to follow him. Christ is a God of order but not demand. He respects every single person's freewill to choose. He's still autonomous (ex: The flood) but for the most part God wants to respect the freewill of His creations. (Ex. Jesus shown his power by saying "I am He" but didn't avoid being arrested. He let his creations choose. And even begged for their forgiveness) Which is the way men ought to lead their families. God called to Adam in Genesis. Jesus appeared to women first when He resurrected. The story of the entire bible is a story of redemption for all men and women. Women represent the entire Church of Christ. Christ is the bridegroom. Most men get the misconception that women aren't capable of leading. Entirely false. There are plenty of women leaders in the bible. Because to be a true leader, as Christ did, you have to be a true follower of God. The things I'm saying are all biblically true. Given this, there is no hierarchy but God for the Christian. Unbelievers need a hierarchy for order. A true believer doesn't need a hierarchy because God is lovingly fearful. And when you really analyze the role of women and men, Parents and children, Christ and the church. They cleverly mirror each other to where all people learn the same lessons of submission, patience, endurance, respect and love.
11/30/2024 11:15:54 am
Hahaha you just described mutual submission and egalitarianism, but I guess you are one of those uptight men, so you can shake it and want to call yourself complementarian. Stop calling yourself complementarian when you are stealing egalitarian ideas.
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