American Christians are starting to get little uncomfortable.
No, we aren't suffering intense persecution like our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. We aren't being driven from our homes or exiled from our communities. We aren't martyrs, and we shouldn't pretend that we are. We're just getting a little uncomfortable, which just might be a good thing. As we watch our culture rapidly and radically shift, it’s clear that holding to the historical teachings of Christianity is going to become increasingly difficult. Holding to biblical convictions regarding human sexuality and gender, the sanctity of preborn life, and even sharing our faith with others, is no longer considered to be simply unpopular, backward, narrow-minded, or intolerant--it’s considered morally wrong.
I believe homosexuality is a sin.
In today's culture, that statement sounds as backward and narrow-minded as if I said, "I'm pro-slavery" or "women shouldn't vote." When viewed through the lens of today's culture, a stance against homosexuality is synonymous with homophobia. More than just backward and narrow-minded, it's considered hateful and evil. |
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