Have you ever shown up in a place you were not expected (and/or maybe not wanted) and had someone look at you inquisitively and ask, “Why are you here?” Writing a blog in 2016 kind of feels like that. Maybe you are unaware, but there are a lot of blogs out there today. We’re adding another one. So perhaps you are groaning and thinking to yourself, “Do we really need another blog?” “Why are you here?” We understand. So as we launch this new blog, let us begin by defending our right to exist. We’re going to give you four reasons why this blog exists and why you should (at least in our opinion) read it.
1. Pursuing Balance There seems to be no end of blogs that give opinions. Many will grab a few prooftexts and run off with them telling you to do something that, upon closer examination, is actually unbiblical. Trashing the church and traditional Christian thinking is all the rage these days, and a blog post that brings into question “what you’ve always been told” is a sure way to go viral.
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