Growing up I was taught about modesty through talks at youth seminars, Sunday school, and youth group. I can remember being taught about tips and rules for how to be modest. While some of these tips are helpful, I grew up believing modesty was a set of standards that prevent you from dressing in a way that tempts men.
You all remember The Shack, right? If you do, you probably remember the debates and controversy that arose around this famous novel and movie adaptation.
Challies published a helpful article entitled, “What Does the Shack Really Teach?” that revealed the false teaching laced within the masterful story telling of The Shack author, Paul Young. Countless articles swirled around on social media decrying the heresy and twisted view of God The Shack portrayed. I’m a very forgetful person. I frequently misplace my keys or my wallet, I have tough time remembering people’s names, and I have even paid for my groceries and walked out of the store while my grocery bags were still at the register. I have quickly come to realize that I can’t survive without writing down reminders and keeping a “to-do” list.
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