Have you ever shown up in a place you were not expected (and/or maybe not wanted) and had someone look at you inquisitively and ask, “Why are you here?” Writing a blog in 2016 kind of feels like that. Maybe you are unaware, but there are a lot of blogs out there today. We’re adding another one. So perhaps you are groaning and thinking to yourself, “Do we really need another blog?” “Why are you here?” We understand. So as we launch this new blog, let us begin by defending our right to exist. We’re going to give you four reasons why this blog exists and why you should (at least in our opinion) read it. 1. Pursuing Balance There seems to be no end of blogs that give opinions. Many will grab a few prooftexts and run off with them telling you to do something that, upon closer examination, is actually unbiblical. Trashing the church and traditional Christian thinking is all the rage these days, and a blog post that brings into question “what you’ve always been told” is a sure way to go viral. Now, we have to be careful when we talk about tradition. All you have to do is read through the gospels to realize that tradition can take you pretty far off track. But something isn’t wrong because it’s traditional, and what a lot of people will find is that often things are traditional for a reason. That there are good reasons God’s people have believed or taught something for so long.
So how do we handle tradition? By comparing it to Scripture. Traditions that are based on biblical commands and principles are good things. Traditions that go against Scripture are bad. While there are lots of blogs excited to automatically throw out everything they’ve been given, this blog will seek to bring some balance to this by examining traditions by Scripture. While we don’t agree with everything we have been given, there is a lot of it that makes sense. And it’s about time someone said that on social media. --BH 2. Pursuing Accountability Have you ever commented on someone’s Facebook post and immediately regretted it? Have you ever posted a controversial article to your blog only to realize that your argument was faulty? We tend to stand confidently, and often stubbornly, by our personal opinions. The benefit of this blog is that every post is placed under the scrutiny of four friends, each with their own particular strengths and weaknesses. We want any personal biases or unfounded opinions to be caught, compared to Scripture, and corrected before it gets launched into the blogosphere. Personally, we know that we need the accountability of good friends who encourage us to compare our opinions to God’s Word. Since we’re fallible human beings, we understand that it’s possible for all four of us to agree on the same wrong conclusion, but we have realized through personal experience that it’s always safer to bounce your opinion off your friends and counselors before you stake your reputation on it. We all have blind spots, but close friends expose them. Each one of us are committed to helping each other write articles that are Biblical in content and gracious tone. It is our prayer that this mutual accountability will steer this blog close to Scripture and filter out personal opinion. --AB 3. Pursuing Clarity There are plenty of “hot topic” issues that could be used as “click bait.” Frankly, there’s no shortage of blogs devoted to controversial matters. These blogs seem to be more interested in garnering a following than actually preaching truth. They rely more on their creative genius in making a point “quotable” instead of relying on God’s Word to make that quote “biblical.” It is our belief that where creativity is strong, so too is the danger that it can turn a preacher (or a blogger) away from expositing Scripture. Is there a place for creativity? Of course! A well placed and well timed poem, or careful construction of words can make a point that much more compelling and convicting. There is an unmistakable value in creativity when writing, but there is also a danger. We choose to focus most of our efforts on expositing Scripture as it applies to contemporary issues. In doing this we will try and guard against suppressing legitimate creativity while stressing the true exposition of Scripture. Does this mean that we are afraid to talk about “hot topics”? Of course not! God’s Word is often controversial in today’s culture. We will apply a point just as heavily as Scripture teaches. This allows us to correlate our concern and energy about tough topics to the Bible’s concern and energy about them. As committed followers of Jesus we choose not to have a blog devoted to “click bait.” We don’t even write for the purpose of getting a great following. Our primary desire is to focus on truth and that truth can only be found in God’s Word of Truth. We have purposed together to devote our blog to the practical exegesis of God’s Word. Our greatest desire is not that you see us in our writings but that you see our Savior. We don’t want people to go away from our blog thinking, “Wow, they make some really great points.” We want them to leave reflecting and meditating on the truths they learned from God’s Word. -- CP 4. Pursuing Hope For many of us, a brief look across our newsfeeds reminds us that we live in a bleak and seemingly hopeless society. And just when we think things might get better, our hopes are suddenly dashed with disappointment as the earthly wisdom of this world seems to prevail day by day in the hearts and minds of neighbors, co-workers, and family members… It stands as both a tragedy and yet a miracle that we are where we are today. Have you ever found yourself just longing for it all to end? Just wanting to give up? Perhaps even in such a despairingly manner as Elijah in 1 Kings 19:10? If so, we submit that this blog is for you. Apart from seeking to bring balance, accountability, and Biblical clarity to debatable issues, Pursuing the Pursuer is all about affirming that there is hope in every situation. Just as despairing Elijah needed a vivid reminder of who His God was, so also we need a healthy dousing of truth. Flying far above the temporary circumstances of conflict and confusion in our world is a banner of truth that is for all people. We want to continuously point you to this truth. That is why it is our goal with this blog to always keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ before your hope-seeking eyes. -- MC We hope you join us in our pursuit of the Pursuer.
1 Comment
Sherry Hicks
10/6/2016 08:36:36 pm
So thankful to see young men pursue God and His word in a world that relies too much on our own opinions. Great challenge for all of us.
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